Unique social media content, standout visibility.

As your go-to social media and content manager, I will sprinkle creativity like pollen across your platforms and make your brand bloom. My eclectic skill set includes photography, content creation, deciphering cryptic social media algorithms, crafting witty captions, and making peace with stubborn Monstera leaves. So, if you’re ready, let’s connect! I promise I won’t leaf you hanging. 

Services & solutions offered.

Services & Solutions Offered



What to expect.

What to expect.

Hi there, I’m Chris.

I’m a master gardener, plant lover and former photographer turned social media and content maven. As the proud owner of a greenhouse, I’ve turned my urban abode into a botanical wonderland. When I’m not curating content or nurturing my green babies, you’ll find me sipping chai latte and rearranging my houseplant army. Do I talk to my plants? Yes. Yes, I do. 

Sample Content

Cultivated with care, by my small business for yours.

Let’s Chat!

Let’s talk social media! Send me a message!